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Firefox Gratis

sábado, 28 de abril de 2007

We're feeding on facts, we're feeding on fiction, we're feeding because we need to eat. Supplying our minds with information, but half of it is incomplete. They used to wrap chips in newspapers, now they microwave fast food. We end up picking at rumors in the hope of a grain of truth. Do you know what you are feeding? Do you know what you are fed? We say we don't believe all that we read, but is anyone reading at all? Or merely feeding on what's being fed in the hope of feeling full? We all need to be resources rather than receptacles. There's too many lies and rumors to recognize them all. Do you know what you are feeding? Do you know what you are fed? Do you repeat what is worth repeating, or store it all up inside your head? Be a source of information. Inspire, debate, protest, and go! Feed on food for thought reaction. If no one feeds it, grow your own!

feeding. citizen fish.
album: thrist

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

estou borracho perdido
e o mail di demasiadas verdades